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I identify as an entrepreneur, with kindness at heart and tenacious at conduct.


I completed my education in management from the prestigious IIM Indore, a 5-year BA+MBA program, which led me to co-found a tech company at the age of 22, that deployed concepts of computer vision to create 3D maps of city-scale infrastructure, generating revenues of over $170,000 in first 20 months.

Currently I work as an L3 data scientist in fin-tech industry. I create prediction models for assessing credit risk and build AI products for business process automation. As a hobby, I make web-based software products for independent clients. In the meanwhile, I am pursuing a self-curated coursework in neuroscience, machine learning and computer science via resources available on the web.


I’ve had my fair share of innovation experience while designing a portable and affordable public urinal, which received country wide distribution, including appreciation from the Prime Minister of India.

I’m a passionate photographer as well, having received multiple awards for my work while travelling around the world exploring the art.

Programming Languages:

Pro - Python, SQL, HTML, CSS

Know - JavaScript, jQuery, Java, Google Apps Script, Excel Macros, C, R, Octave

Data Science & ML:

Pro - Scikit-learn, NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Flask, Plotly, Dash, Jupyter, APIs, Excel, Git, Metabase, AWS S3, EC2, Athena, Sagemaker, Glue, data science pipeline (Cleansing, Wrangling, Visualization, Modeling, Interpretation)

Know - PyTorch, fastai, TensorFlow, BigQuery

Software: Autodesk Suite (CAD, Maya, 3ds Max, Revit), Adobe Suite (Photoshop, Lightroom, Premier, Illustrator), Blender, SketchUp, Sketch, WavePad, ArcGIS, Pix4D, Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Modelling, Atlassian Suite (Bitbucket, Confluence) etc.


Pro - Hindi, English

Know - Spanish, German


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Fake News Classifier

Tutorial for building your very own Machine Learning Model

Spam E-mail Classifier

Tutorial for building your very own Machine Learning Model

Cat Image Classifier

Deep learning model

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